"Legend has it that each year on Record Store Day, the "Light In The Attic" zine magically appears, as if by alchemy, in fine retailers across the globe." This free magazine,produced in the United States,in issue,number 7 ,2015 contained an "exclusive interview" with Francoise. http://lightintheattic.net/releases/1695-light-in-the-attic-zine-issue-7-winter-spring-2015 A photo appears on eBay,but unfortunately I do not seem able to upload it on to this forum,so if someone could please do it for me,thank you in advance. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Light-in-the-Attic-n7-2015-Willie-Nelson-Sly-Stone-Sugluk-Francoise-Hardy-rare-/331602842915?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d3511d523 The interview mentions the reissue of a series of albums by Francoise.